
Research Project History

Project Name Supervised by
Development of large 1350°C gas turbine bucket and nozzle
(7FA +e#12 Bucket #1 Nozzle)
KEPCO Research Institute
Development of IGV investment casting item for aircraft engines
(GE Elano 5 Items)
Korea Lost-wax Co., Ltd.
System development of centripetal turbine for exhaust gas
(34R T/Wheel)
STX Co., Ltd.
Technology development of investment casting of high-strength alloy
(LLE 12 Item)
Daeshin Metal
Development of core parts for 1100°C gas turbine
(3 types including GE7EA # 1 Bucket)
Korea Lost-wax Co., Ltd
Development of high-temperature, high-efficiency small turbo parts
(Rotor, Nozzle, TNGV)
Development of 1300°C class tier-1 blade and vane parts
(7FA #1 Bucket, 501F #1 Blade, #1 Vane)
Korea Lost-wax Co., Ltd
Development of standardized technique of vacuum investment casting for aircraft engines (6 types of PW Turbine Blade) Korea Lost-wax Co., Ltd